It’s Time for a User-Driven Enterprise BI Strategy

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In this Forrester report authored by Vice President and Principal Analyst Boris Evelson, learn why the business and technology management BI relationship is broken and how these groups can align in order to win, serve, and retain customers.

Even after doing their best for over 20 years to build centralized, scalable information architecture, Forrester surveys find that only a small percentage of organizations' data is actually converted to useful information in time to leverage it for better insight and decisions.

At both strategic and tactical levels, much of this quagmire can be explained by the fundamental disconnect in goals, objectives, priorities, and methods between technology management professionals and the business users they should ideally serve.

The August 2014 Forrester Research, Inc. report will provide insight into the inherent conflict between roles to reach a clear understanding of why the business and technology management BI relationship is broken and how these groups can align in order to win, serve, and retain customers.

Topics include:

  • Technology Management-Driven BI Is Not Necessarily Agile
  • Business-Driven Homegrown BI Applications Are Agile But Don’t Scale
  • Forrester Agile BI Approach Lets You Have The BI Cake And Eat It Too
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